Auto Dealers Don't Like Tesla's Success
Auto dealers are now going to state legislatures to challenge Tesla's business model.
Auto dealers are now going to state legislatures to challenge Tesla's business model.
Tesla reported its first profit this quarter, triple analyst projections for earnings on electric car sales.
Fisker and Coda are the latest casualties in the space.
Initially, commercial electric fleets will make money while cars are parked; individual owners will follow.
People that buy an electric car from BMW and Fiat will get free conventional cars for long trips.
For the first time, Tesla is profitable this quarter thanks to greater sales than expected for Model S.
Detroit Electric was the market leader in the early 1900s and now it's back.
Are one of these reasons enough for you to postpone buying an electric car?
If we really want people to buy these cars, there's alot communities can do to make them much more attractive.
In contrast to what we hear in the media, they were the fastest growing segment in auto sales last year.