US Episcopal Church Pulls Out of Fossil Fuels

The latest institution to divest from fossil fuels is the 2 million member, US Episcopal Church.

All fossil fuel holdings will be purged, about $380 million, but leaders stopped short of divesting from the $9 billion pension fund. They are encouraging parishes and dioceses to begin moving their $4 billion out of fossil fuels, reports The Guardian

"At a point where we are losing species and where human life itself is threatened by climate change, the church, by acting on it, is saying that this is a moral issue and something that everyone needs to look at seriously," archdeacon Betsy Blake Bennett told The Guardian

The Episcopal Church joins the United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, World Council of Churches, Unitarian Universalist Association and New York’s Union Theological Seminary.

Read our articles, Global Catholic Climate Movement Forms, Anticipating Pope’s Formal Letter on Climate and Fossil Fuel Divestment Sweeps Through Religious Community.

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