International Solar Association Forms, SolarCity Announces $1 Billion In Installations

To make sure their voices are heard on world energy policy, solar associations in 10 countries are forming an international group to represent the industry.

The Global Solar PV Council will speak for the industry at "all strategic global meetings on energy and the environment," David Wedepohl of Germany’s solar association told Bloomberg.

Clearly, there’s a great need for the renewable energy industry to be able to counterbalance the outsized influence of the fossil fuel industry. 

Solar associations that have signed on: Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Turkey, Israel, Egypt and Canada. The US and China need to join.

The wind industry has the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has been representing the industry as a whole since 2009.

$1 Billion for More US Solar Systems

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SolarCity (Nasdaq: SCTY) will use its biggest investment fund to date to expand the use of solar for businesses, schools and  governments – $1 billion-worth of solar systems over the next two years. It will support about 300 megawatts of solar arrays.

The partnership with Credit Suisse will also fund SolarCity’s  service, DemandLogic, which combines solar with
"intelligent" battery storage systems.

"SolarCity has installed more than 1,800 commercial solar projects in 21 states – and we’ve barely scratched the surface of the addressable market," says Brad Buss, Chief Financial Officer.

Financing for residential solar also keeps growing. This year, SolarCity raised $750 million for that purpose. The funds make it possible to install solar systems without homeowners paying for it up front. 

Read our article, SolarCity Moves Toward Becoming a Utility.

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