Around the States: Arkansas Halts Gas Drilling After Quakes; California Offers Rebates, Northeast State to Report on Energy Efficiency

Published on: March 11, 2011

Two natural gas companies halted drilling operations in Arkansas after some 800 earthquakes hit the area over the past six months.

The Daily Mail/UK reported that the strongest quake, registering a magnitude of 4.7 occurred on Monday. It was the strongest in Arkansas in 35 years.

The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission (AOGC) voted unanimously on Friday to order Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK) and Clarita Operating to halt drilling. The commission said it believes it is highly likely there is a link between the drillng wells and the earthquakes–particularly the high pressure wells used to dispose of waste water from the natural gas drilling process.

Geologists are studying the issue, and the drilling companies said they intend to oppose any long-term drilling bans proposed at the next AOGC meeting.

California Offers $4,000 Rebate for Home Energy Improvements

A state-wide program launched this week in California offering homeowners rebates of up to $4000 for home energy efficiency improvements.

The $300 million program, called "Energy Upgrade California," was developed by the California Energy Commission, local governments, utilities, the California Public Utilities Commission and contractors who specialize in home energy audits, upgrades and retrofits, according to the Mercury News.

Homeowners who pursue a "basic" energy efficient upgrade will get a rebate of $1,000. Property owners who choose an advanced package qualify for rebates from $1,250 to $4,000. The rebates depend on the energy savings achieved and the utility provider. Homeowners must work with contractors approved by Energy Upgrade California to qualify for rebates.

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States Agree to Energy Efficiency Reporting Guidelines

Energy utility commissioners and energy efficiency leaders in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions have agreed to implement a common set of statewide guidelines for reporting energy efficiency savings and associated costs, emissions and job impacts. 

The Regional Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification Forum said the agreement lays the groundwork for building greater transparency and credibility of energy efficiency as a reliable, plentiful energy resource in the region and further drives the energy efficiency agenda nationally.

The newly adopted Reporting Guidelines come at a time when states are making unprecedented investments in energy efficiency to meet a range of policy objectives.  Unlike the consistent reporting of electricity, natural gas, and oil use, energy efficiency impacts are currently largely reported differently from state to state, making it difficult to accurately track and compare the impacts of efficiency programs and policies across the region.

“Until now, states have worked autonomously in setting measurement and reporting guidelines,” says Sue Coakley, Executive Director of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP). “In just two years, the EM&V Forum has brought the top level of energy leaders in each state together to develop, and agree on a number of key initiatives which lay the foundation for a common language for energy efficiency across the region.”

California Utilities Miss Green Energy Deadline

California’s big, investor-owned utilities missed the state’s 2010 deadline for getting 20% of their power from renewable sources, according to data released last week.

Read San Francisco Chronicle coverage at the link below.

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