China's War On Pollution Has Unintended Consequences
China is putting plenty of muscle into cleaning up its degraded air, soil and water, but massive coal to methane operations are a huge problem.
China is putting plenty of muscle into cleaning up its degraded air, soil and water, but massive coal to methane operations are a huge problem.
China is expected to set an absolute cap on greenhouse gas emissions, which would break the logjam on the international climate treaty.
Coal's dominance is increasingly challenged by cleaner energy and the need to clean up pollution.
The move includes $2.2 billion to spur demand for energy efficient products.
The US wind tower industry filed a trade complaint against China's subsidies.
China will install a whopping 180 GW of wind and solar capacity by 2020 - the same amount built across the world in the last 40 years.
China's shooting for renewables to provide 9.5% of its energy by 2015, with higher targets for wind, hydro and solar.
The study predicts almost 7000 jobs a year in solar PV, 34,000 in wind and 230,000 in high speed rail.
China has halted wind component subsidies challenged by the US; China increased energy consumption 11.2% in 2010.
How risky is First Solar's bid to break into the Chinese market?