Who Will Win the Race for Biofuels Used in Aviation?

Airlines need to come together and support the most promising forms of biofuels through investment, says Sir Richard Branson in announcing the launch of RenewableJetFuels.org.

But which companies hold the most promise? The new website analyzes the leading companies set to produce commercial scale biofuels for aviation. Investors, engineers, operators and fuel buyers will be able to use the data to compare suppliers on technical performance, economic viability and scalability, carbon footprint, and overall sustainability.

RenewableJetFuels.org is a project of Branson’s Carbon War Room and leading scientific publisher Elsevier.

The top five renewable jet fuel supply chain companies are:

        Scalability   Sustainability   Economic
Lanzatech       3   3   3   3.0
SG biofuels       3   3   3   3.0
AltAir       2   3   2   2.3
Solazyme       3   1   2   2.0
Sapphire       2   3   1   2.0

Key – Max 3 stars; Min 0 stars

Initial results show that of the companies claiming to have the potential to deliver large-scale amounts of low carbon renewable jet fuel – about 1/3 of them are credible from an economic, scalable and sustainability perspective; in their current state.

In the next five years, some renewable jet fuel companies could be producing enough renewable fuel to replace 10-20% of the fuel of a typical mid-sized airline.

Hundreds of interviews with decision makers in alternative energy brought to light the lack of reliable information that keeps viable technologies from being implemented. This is especially the case in the biofuels industry.

Carbon War Room’s mission is to accelerate sustainability to major markets by addressing market barriers. It’s been focused on the world shipping industry and is now also working on aviation.

See the website for details on each company and other biofuels companies:

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Comments on “Who Will Win the Race for Biofuels Used in Aviation?”

  1. john c

    I have broad technology,interview and writing skills.
    How and where may I help identify and clear some of these barriers?


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