Renewable Energy Standard Legislation Introduced

U.S. Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Mark Udall (D-CO) introduced legislation that would enact a federal Renewable Energy Standard (RES) which would require utilities to generate 25% of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025.

The bill phases the requirement in. Utilities would have to get just 6% by 2013, followed by gradual increases.

"Americans want to put our nation on a path towards energy independence, and this bill is our best chance to get America running on homegrown energy while creating good jobs for hardworking Americans," says Tom Udall. "Studies show that a federal RES would reduce energy bills, revitalize rural America, slow global warming and strengthen our energy security. With American innovation and ingenuity, we can put our people to work in a thriving, clean energy economy."

"I was proud to lead the effort in Colorado to pass one of the country’s first Renewable Electricity Standards – and it has helped the state create over 30,000 new good-paying jobs and spurred the growth of one of the strongest renewable energy sectors in the country," said Mark Udall. "We can do the same thing across the country with a robust national RES. A national RES would unleash innovation, helping America compete for renewable energy jobs and lead in the global economic race."

Studies have shown it would:

  • Create jobs: Wind and solar energy are likely to be among the largest sources of new manufacturing jobs worldwide during the 21st Century. A Navigant Consulting study found that an RES would create over 225,000 American jobs;
  • Reduce energy bills: Energy research firm Wood Mackenzie found that an RES would lower natural gas and electricity prices and save more than $100 billion for Americans;
  • Revitalize rural America: Farmers and rural land owners in windy areas are reaping payments of $3,000 and up per turbine per year, while still being able to work their land. The "wind harvest" can carry hard-pressed farmers through difficult times, such as droughts, even if crops fail;
  • Slow global warming: By displacing the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity, an RES can cut emissions of conventional pollutants and greenhouse gases.

Suppliers can meet the federal requirements by purchasing credits from other entities that have obtained credits by producing renewable energy. It also allows utilities to bank credits for four years and to borrow credits from up to three years in the future. Municipal and other publicly-owned power plants and rural electric co-ops would be exempted from the requirements.

In his State of the Union address earlier this year, President Obama called for an 80% Clean Energy Standard (CES) by 2035, which would include renewables, nuclear, and natural gas.

If renewables were included with nuclear and natural gas, they would lost in the mix. It’s become clear that nuclear isn’t safe or cost-effective the way renewables are. The environmental and health effects of natural gas fracking make it unfit for a Clean Energy Standard.

Senators Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Energy Committee respectively, recently released a White Paper on a CES and are soliciting responses on how to design such a program.

29 states and the District of Columbia, representing over half of the U.S. electricity market, already have Renewable Energy Standards with various timelines and targets. This legislation does not pre-empt states that have stronger standards.

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Comments on “Renewable Energy Standard Legislation Introduced”

  1. recycle

    The state of Houston is actually the number one purchaser of renewable energy in the country, for all municipalities, and it’s number four when you add in the private sector. Three percent of its wind energy actually comes from West Texas. Learn more from this video I found on YouTube:

  2. Dan

    @Recycle, did you really “find” that video on YouTube? Or are you a PR hack for the Texas oil industry? The latter seems pretty obviously to be the case here.

  3. tino

    For starters it may cost you a bit in the short term but in long term if you catlclaue your electricity bills, you will find out that you will save money(the solar panels can produce electricity for more than 20 years) plus you’re independent and during a blackout you have your own electricity especially in some areas like Florida where the blackout is possible during the storms and hurricanes. Haiti after earthquake is a good example, i have seen some people buying and sending solar panels for their relatives in Haiti.People’s response depends on government’s policy and how they exclude the renewable energy users from taxes. In general people will do things if they are either forced to (by laws, ordinances, etc) or if they are given incentives. (free money basically) There is a company called Sun Electronics that among other things has a complete price list for an entire photovoltaic system and they ship to all over the world.


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