Bloom Energy Quadruples California Manufacturing Capacity

Published on: April 18, 2011

Fuel cell company Bloom Energy said it is quadrupling the size of its California manufacturing facility and plans to add 1000 cleantech jobs.

The company said it expanded its workforce by over 70% in 2010 alone, and has grown 525% over the past four years. The company’s announcement did not specify the timeline for adding the new jobs.

The company will now have 210,000 square feet of manufacturing space in Sunnyvale, California.

Approximately 120 Bloom Boxes have been deployed across California, reducing the carbon footprint and operating costs for customers such as Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), Walmart (NYSE: WMT) and eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY). The Bloom Box employs solid oxide fuel cell technology that can generate highly-efficient power onsite from a range of fuel sources.

To date, the Bloom Energy fleet has provided customers more than 55 million kilowatt-hours and eliminated approximately 60 million pounds of GHG emissions, the company said.

"Bloom Energy was born in California, we manufacture in California and we continue to thrive and grow in our home state," said KR Sridhar, principal co-founder and CEO of Bloom Energy. "We’re grateful to be in a state that supports and encourages innovations like those from Bloom Energy to help address the state’s clean energy needs while giving California’s economy a healthy boost."

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