Johnson Controls Tops Corporate Responsibility Ranking

Published on: March 4, 2011

Johnson Controls Inc. (NYSE: JCI) ranked #1 on the 12th annual "100 Best Corporate Citizens List" produced by Corporate Responsibility Magazine.

The "100 Best List" documents more than 320 data points of disclosure-harvested from publicly available information in seven categories: environment, climate change, employee relations, human rights, governance, finance, and philanthropy.

CR Magazine said the individual and aggregate rankings show a "meteoric rise in the market for transparency."

Overall performance improved among the 100 Best by some 5% over last year. Equally revealing, 3-year average returns to shareholders of the 100 Best outpaced the S&P average by more than 4%.

The top 10 ranked as follows: Johnson Controls Inc., Campbell Soup Co. (NYSE: CPB), International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE: IBM), Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co. (NYSE: BMY), Mattel , Inc. (Nasdaq: MAT), 3M Company (NYSE: MMM), Accenture (NYSE: ACN), Kimberly-Clark Corp. (NYSE: KMB), Hewlett-Packard Co. (NYSE: HPQ), Nike Inc (NYSE: NKE). The full list is available at the link below.

"The financial performance differential is most striking," said Dirk Olin, Editor & Publisher of CR Magazine. "This new standard of disclosure has become table stakes-not because some regulator imposed it but because the market demands it. Put simply: Transparency pays."

The research behind the CR Magazine rankings is conducted by IW Financial, an industry leader in market data and analysis.

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