Podcast: Green Week in Review – July 3, 2009

The Green Week in Review
is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King.
It’s posted every Friday morning and is 15-20 minutes long. You can
listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3
player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week.

In this week’s show…

Department of Energy announced $3.9 billion for smart grid initiatives.

Department of the Interior designated 670,000 acres of land in six western states as Solar Energy Study Areas.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed by a thin margin the American Clean Energy and Security Act.

The Environmental Protection Agency granted a long-standing waiver request to California for clean car regulations.

President Obama announced new standards for home and commercial lighting that are expected to save up to $35 billion in energy costs by 2030.

New Energy Star standards for personal computers went into effect July 1.

Plus, as always, a quick review of top cleantech stories from the week.


Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com

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