Sweden Continues Green Role Modeling

A government appointed committee on climate change has been charged with developing a strategic plan to cut Sweden’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050. The group will also propose how the country should meet it Kyoto Protocol obligation to reduce emissions by two percent under 1990 levels between 2008-2012. The plan is expected to rely on energy efficiency incentives, emissions-based vehicle taxes, and wind subsidies. It may include the phase out of three greenhouse gas emissions – hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride – along with emissions trading of the other three gases. A three-year public information campaign will be used to prepare citizens for the impact of the measures.

A plan to increase green taxes by five to seven percent over the next 10 years is included in the draft 2001 Swedish budget. Euros 3.6 billion (~US$3.46 billion) in taxes would be applied to the energy, transportation and agriculture sectors. It includes adjustments to green taxes currently in place as well as new measures to promote sustainable development, biological diversity, environmental monitoring and adult education. The final budget will be presented in the Fall.

Source: Tax News Update

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